The Investment Requires An Effort - Would You Let A Dealer Chooses His Car?
When you buy an expensive item like a car or a house, not most people usually do a little research, shopping, compare prices and find specific features that meet their needs? Absolutely. Why not many people bother to do the same when it comes to their investments, especially retirement, probably one of the highest entry of a person will never be clean?
It always amazes me when people talk about your portfolio, but have no idea what they are invested in often joke and to comment on it or leave it to professionals to pay his agent Values ??/ advise the "big money".
Let me ask you this: Do you let the dealer pick up the car you want to buy? Or how about letting your real estate agent selecting your home? Very unlikely. So why would you let others have the last word on your pension or investments?
Think about some of the reasons why you probably would not leave the decision to a broker or agent:
Point of view. The fact that there are 6:00 to 6:00 count'em - cup holders can be a great feature, but not so high on your list of "The car must-have", as it might be a car-pooling commuters. An agent can find a school close to the most convenient, but your spouse is working the night shift have a different opinion when trying to sleep during the day. Several people are always going to be different opinions based on their unique perspective and personal, especially when it comes to details.
Priority. The seller does not understand that he does not want to give a guarantee as side airbags, even if it is shown that the "security" was paramount. The agent could be considered more valuable than a yard. Many of us fail to understand their priorities until we are forced to make choices and decisions.
Costs. It is the easiest way to use someone else's money. It 'also easier to take risks and forget the "little" things, when it is your buck. Agent or distributor must not live with a clutch drive, or a small functional kitchen layouts. And if the compensation is based on the percentage of the price, which may not be as aggressive in negotiating for the sale. Always follow the money trail. The payment structure can often make a big difference as you might end up paying for it.